Three Reasons Why Automated Driving Won’t Make the Roads Much Safer

Automated driving has a long and complicated history. It was only in the 1970s that several companies began developing automated cars that could be used on public roads without a human operator. However, these cars were unreliable and often crashed or stuck in traffic.

It was only in 2008 when Google unveiled its first fully autonomous car prototype. This car was able to drive on public roads without any human intervention. However, it’s still unavailable to this day as it still needs a lot of tweaks for it to function correctly.

Only Tesla has commercially available self-driving cars, but they still require human intervention from time to time. Nevertheless, people expect that autonomous cars are the way to the future. However, there are several reasons why they might not make the roads much safer.

Prone to Crashing

There’s growing evidence that self-driving cars are prone to crashing. For example, researchers found that 70% of car crashes are connected to self-driving technologies in vehicles. There are various reasons for this. First, automated cars rely on sensors to detect other objects on the road. However, these sensors can be easily fooled by things like bad weather or debris on the road.

Automated cars also often have trouble detecting small objects, like pedestrians or cyclists. This is because they are designed to look for large objects that are moving predictably. Finally, automated cars are often driven by people who are not experienced in driving. This can lead to mistakes that could cause accidents.

Inadequate Testing

Another reason why self-driving cars might not make the roads much safer is because they haven’t been tested enough. For example, Tesla’s autonomous cars have only been tested in California and Nevada. These states have very different conditions than other states, like New York or Michigan. It means that Tesla’s autonomous cars might not be able to handle the different conditions in other states.

It’s a problem because companies must test automated cars in many conditions. Otherwise, they won’t be able to handle all the situations they might encounter on the roads.

Lack of Regulations

Finally, there are no regulations governing self-driving cars. This means that there is no standard that these cars have to meet. It’s a problem because there is no guarantee that these cars are safe.

Without regulations, it’s hard to know if self-driving cars are safe. Unfortunately, this is a significant concern for many people.

These are just a few reasons why automated driving might not make the roads much safer. However, if automated driving can’t make roads safer, what can? Experts believe there are many more options, such as helping drivers learn much younger.

Driving a long road ahead

Younger Drivers Learning Earlier

One option is to help drivers learn at a much younger age. For example, more states should allow teenagers to start their learner’s permit online courses. This means they can start learning how to drive much younger. It’s a good option because it allows drivers to learn the basics of driving before they get behind the wheel of a car. It also gives them more time to practice driving before getting their license. In addition, it can drastically reduce the amount of teenage-related crashes on the road.

Practice Makes Perfect

Another option is for drivers to practice more before they get their licenses. For example, many states require new drivers to log a certain number of practice driving hours before getting their license.

It’s a good option because it allows new drivers more road experience. Additionally, it will enable them to get more practice in different conditions, such as bad weather or heavy traffic. Experience is the best teacher and younger drivers should be required to get as much experience as possible.

Better Infrastructure

Finally, another option is to improve the infrastructure on the roads. For example, the government should improve barriers on the roads. It would help prevent head-on collisions, some of the most dangerous types of accidents.

Additionally, better signage on the roads would also help to prevent accidents. It would let drivers know where they are going and what they should do.

Improving the infrastructure on the roads can help reduce accidents. It’s because better infrastructure can make it easier for drivers to see things on the road and avoid potential hazards.

These are just a few options that could help to make the roads safer. Unfortunately, automated driving might not be the answer to making the roads safer. However, there are many other options out there that could make a difference. It’s up to us to find the best option for making the roads safer for everyone.

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