When to Call a Crane Inspection Service

Cranes are essential tools in various industries, from construction to manufacturing, where lifting heavy loads is a daily task. However, due to the complexity and potential hazards associated with crane operations, regular inspections are critical to ensuring safety, compliance, and efficiency. Knowing when to call a crane inspection service can prevent accidents, avoid costly downtime, and extend the lifespan of your equipment. Here are key situations when it’s essential to engage a professional crane inspection service.

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After Installation or Assembly
Whenever a new crane is installed or reassembled after being relocated, it’s vital to call a crane inspection service. This initial inspection verifies that the crane has been properly installed according to manufacturer specifications and industry standards. The inspection will check that all components are correctly assembled, that the crane is operating smoothly, and that all safety features are functional. This ensures that the crane is safe to operate and ready for its intended use.

Regularly Scheduled Inspections
Cranes should undergo routine inspections as part of a regular maintenance schedule. OSHA and other regulatory bodies typically mandate annual or bi-annual inspections, depending on the crane’s usage and the industry in which it operates. These scheduled inspections are thorough evaluations of the crane’s condition, including the mechanical, electrical, and structural components. Regular inspections help identify wear and tear, allowing for preventive maintenance before any issues become critical. Calling a crane inspection service for these scheduled checks is essential for staying compliant with regulations and ensuring the safety of your operations.

After an Incident or Near Miss
If your crane has been involved in an incident, such as a collision, overload, or mechanical failure, it’s crucial to call a crane inspection service immediately. Even if no visible damage is apparent, the incident could have caused internal issues that might not be easily detected without a professional inspection. Similarly, if a near miss occurs—where an accident was narrowly avoided—an inspection should be conducted to identify any potential hazards or weaknesses in the crane’s operation.

Following Significant Weather Events
Extreme weather events, such as heavy storms, high winds, or earthquakes, can impact the structural integrity and functionality of a crane. After such events, it’s important to have the crane inspected to ensure that no damage has occurred that could compromise its safety. Weather-related inspections focus on checking for structural damage, ensuring that electrical systems are intact, and verifying that the crane is still stable and secure.

When the Crane Shows Signs of Wear or Malfunction
If your crane starts showing signs of wear, unusual noises, or irregular operation, it’s time to call a crane inspection service. Indicators like jerky movements, unusual vibrations, or slow response times are red flags that something may be wrong with the crane. Early detection and repair of issues through a professional inspection can prevent more severe problems and costly repairs down the line.

Before High-Risk Lifting Operations
When planning to undertake high-risk or complex lifting operations, it’s advisable to have your crane inspected beforehand. This ensures that the crane is in peak condition and capable of handling the increased demands. A pre-operation inspection can provide peace of mind that the equipment will perform reliably under the challenging conditions of the lift.


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