Your Basic Guide to Auto Insurance

If you are a new driver, then auto insurance is something you will need to learn about. While many of us will often stay on the policy of a parent or guardian until we reach the age of adulthood, at some point the responsibility for having and keeping insurance on your vehicle becomes yours. That is also where information like that shared in the attached video is not only important, but necessary to know.

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In fact, auto insurance is the law, and that means driving without your state’s minimum auto insurance requirements is illegal. Don’t worry, this isn’t nearly as confusing as it sounds, but there is a lot of information to cover.

The good news is, most insurance agents are more than willing to help break down the differences in policies and coverage types. Auto insurance, in the most basic terms, is the protection drivers have to cover issues like accidents, damages, theft, and auto repair expenses, to avoid paying costly out-of-pocket fees and bills. The idea of auto insurance is that drivers pay the insurance company a set amount (monthly, quarterly, annually) for this protection, and as long as those premiums are paid, the insurance company will handle those aforementioned types of expenses. From liability and basic insurance to comprehensive and full coverage policies, insurance makes a difference, and it is something every driver needs to know and should be educated on. Stay safe out there, and stay insured.

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