Pointers for Going on a Cruise during a Pandemic

The cruise industry experienced huge losses after the pandemic started over a year ago. The outbreak on the Japanese Diamond Princess, where 712 out of 3,711 people got infected by the virus, highlighted this situation.

But after the authorities administered more than 320 million vaccine doses, Celebrity Edge of Celebrity Cruises became the first cruise ship to leave a US port since the pandemic started. Sailing at a reduced capacity, the ship shows the gradual recovery of the industry.

If you plan on going on a cruise during the pandemic, you need to consider some things to ensure you remain safe and healthy while enjoying the trip.

Get the Vaccine

The Celebrity Edge sailed with all crew members vaccinated. Around 95 percent of its passengers also received the vaccine. This shows the importance of getting inoculated since everyone will stay inside an enclosed space for most of the cruise. The best protection you can get is the vaccine since you do not know who you are traveling with. It can protect you, your fellow travelers, and the crew of the cruise ship.

Getting the vaccine is also advisable since some destinations may require travelers to be vaccinated before entering. Due to this, getting vaccinated is the best way for you to enjoy your cruise. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released guidelines indicating that at least 95 percent of the crew and passengers should be fully vaccinated.

Look for Alternatives

rent a boat

Going on a cruise during a pandemic can make some people anxious. They may not be comfortable with the idea of traveling with people they do not know. In this situation, they can look for alternatives so they can have fun without worrying about things they may not be able to control.

One option for people who are wary about joining a cruise but still have fun on a boat is to hire a boat from companies such as Charter Boat Sydney. This arrangement allows them to have fun and party with people they know. It allows them to avoid mingling with people they do not know. This is a good alternative that you can also consider if you feel uneasy about traveling on a cruise ship.

Know the Health Protocols

But if you are keen on partying on a cruise ship, you should make sure you know and understand the health and safety protocols to follow during the trip. You should understand that cruising has changed after the pandemic started. Researching before you travel is essential, and this is particularly true on a cruise ship where you spend several days with a group of people you do not know.

Even if these ships travel at a reduced capacity, it’s still important for you to be aware of the health and safety protocols to observe. You may even consider boarding a smaller luxury ship since it means a smaller number of people will join the cruise. In this situation, you can observe better social distancing and reduce the risk of getting infected if someone on board is asymptomatic.

Prepare for a Quarantine

woman on quarantine

You should also pack enough items to last you at least two weeks, even if the cruise is only scheduled for a week. The extra items allow you to have enough things if the ship goes into quarantine during the trip. This may happen if the virus spreads in the ship due to an asymptomatic passenger or crew. The extra items to pack include masks, hand sanitizers, prescription medicine, and disinfecting wipes, among others. Packing extra clothes is also important since this was among the things the passengers of the Grand Princess looked for when they were quarantined after an outbreak onboard.

Check the Destination of the Cruise

When you are looking for a cruise to join, you should check the destinations. This allows you to make sure the infection rate is low and if social distancing is possible. If the infection rate of one of the destinations is high, you may want to look for another cruise even if you are fully vaccinated. You wouldn’t want to be a carrier of the virus when you go home.

Additionally, some destinations have limited populations, which means social distancing comes naturally in these places. Be on the lookout for these destinations to reduce your risk of contracting the virus while on the cruise. You can also opt for a cabin with a window that you can open or a balcony so you’ll have the personal space you need. It also gives you access to fresh air while on the cruise.

The cruise industry is starting to recover. This means you need to do your homework to avoid getting infected when you join these cruises.

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